Sourdough Starter 1 teaspoon yeast 2 cups water; lukewarm 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon sugar Select a large bowl or jar (plastic, glass or ceramic) that will hold at least 4 cups of sourdough. In the bowl, dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water. Stir in the flour and sugar and beat the mixture until smooth. Cover with cheesecloth or saran wrap and let stand at room temperature until bubbly, at least 3 days before using. Stir 2 or 3 times a day. If the room is warm and you wish to slow fermentation, place the mixture in the fridge for a few hours.* When the starter is ready to use, it will give off a delicious, sour, yeasty odour. The flavor improves at it is used. TO KEEP THE STARTER GOING: 1. Every time you remove a portion of the sourdough, replenish the stock by adding equal amounts of flour and water to bring it back to the original amount. Let it stand one day before using. 2. Stir the mixture every day. 3. If you are not using the starter every 2 or 3 days, store it in the refrigerator to slow fermentation. Bring it back to room temperature before using. 4. If refrigerated and not used within 10 days, feed the starter with flour and water OR 1 teaspoon sugar OR freeze it. 5. If the starter is frozen, thaw and reactivate it with a little warm water. *NOTE: If the starter turns orange or smells like vinegar, discard it and start again. (This can occur if the fermentation is too rapid or if there is not enough nutrient to feed upon.) ** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.32 **